Marine Sediment Export Regulations Due March 2024

The Indonesian government has issued Government Regulation (PP) Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of Sedimentation Products in the Sea. In the midst of various criticisms of this PP from environmental guardians, the Indonesia Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) confirmed that the regulations for managing this commodity will be completed in March 2024.

Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said that currently his ministry is finalizing its management regulations. According to him, the regulations on this matter are reviewed across Ministries/Agencies.

"This study involves many parties, such as the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry," he said in the press conference for Outlook & Priority Programs for the Maritime and Fisheries Sector, quoted on Sunday, January 14 2024. The study was also carried out with universities and local governments.

"I think it will be finished by early March at the latest and can be implemented throughout the country," said Trenggono.

Trenggono emphasized that this sedimentation is an effort to clean up the sea which covers or disturbs the marine environment. Sedimentation results that contain valuable minerals need to be separated. So that sedimentation results, such as mud and sand, can be taken. These are the reasons why these regulations are still being refined.

"There is mud, there is sand, there are other materials. This is true, what we take is mud and sand. They have to use sedimentation material. So, if there is a need for export, the rest will become significant state income," said Trenggono.

Budi Santoso, Director General of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Trade, confirmed that the regulations were still being finalized by the Ministry of Energy, Mineral Resources and KKP. This is because there are still differences in perceptions across ministries regarding the types of sea sand that can be exported.

"In terms of regulations, the last Minister of Trade Regulation was issued regarding the export of sea sand. "We took part in the final discussion regarding exports with the KKP and ESDM," said Budi.

According to Yusli Sandi, one of the marine and fisheries observers from Indonesia stated that actually sea sand exports prove that we as Indonesians are still at a low level, because we still export materials with low economic value. If you want to export, you should not export land or sand but materials that already have added value for the country so that they also have a significant impact on the country. If we are only able to sell sand like this, it would be the same as selling our homeland and proving that we have failed to think.


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