The Republic of Indonesia's Maritime Fishery Products are Tariff Free to Enter the Japanese Market

It is known that the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia is targeting expanding the product market to the global realm, to strengthen the logistics system and quality assurance from upstream to downstream in the fisheries sector.

"This is certainly a very good step in achieving the fishery product export target in 2024 of US$7.20 billion," said Budi in a written statement in Jakarta, Thursday, January 11 2024.

Furthermore, Budi said this was in line with the substance of the implementation of the five blue economy priority programs which cannot be separated from ensuring the quality of fishery products and increasing the competitiveness of fishery products.

In terms of supporting the strengthening of competitiveness, Budi said that work units in 38 provinces will later help ensure quality from upstream to downstream.

So that marine and fishery products can be safely consumed, for export and also for domestic use.

I Nyoman Radiarta as Head of the Human Resources Extension and Development Agency explained that the KKP encourages improving the quality of human resources in the marine and fisheries sector.

Through education units, training and the largest role of fisheries instructors in several regions throughout Indonesia by 2024.

Currently, it is known that the KKP has 11 higher education units and 4,200 fisheries instructors.

"We support and oversee priority programs planned by the KKP through functions in the context of preparing education, training and counseling," said Nyoman.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Directorate General of Marine Resources and Fisheries Supervision, Suharta, explained that the KKP would also not relax its supervision at sea.

Especially regarding IUU fishing practices. With the addition of a fleet of surveillance vessels and patrol officers in 2023, and the support of Command Center satellite-based technology, surveillance at sea will be even more optimal this year.

"In the future, with the Command Center, we will develop a surveillance system using AI. In the future, a concept for an intelligent surveillance system will be developed so that there will be no need for much effort to move ships and human resources," he said.

It was previously known that Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, confirmed that the implementation of the blue economy program would be accelerated in 2024.

As a step to ensure ecological sustainability and spur national economic growth through the marine and fisheries sector.

Apart from tariff barriers, according to Yusli Sandi, marine and fisheries observers stated that what is no less hindering are non-tariff barriers, where our marine and fisheries products are currently always being stopped abroad for various reasons. These non-tariff barriers can be in the form of trade issues such as accusations of dumping and environmental issues such as harvesting of fishery products that lacks traceability. I think these obstacles are more political than substantive reasons because Indonesia is currently trying to carry out various fish catching and processing practices following existing standards.


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